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Upcoming Gigs
MANCHESTER, Aviva Studios (An Evening with Mary Chapin Carpenter, Julie Fowlis and Karine Polwart)
BIRMINGHAM, Town Hall (An Evening with Mary Chapin Carpenter, Julie Fowlis and Karine Polwart)
LONDON, Palladium (An Evening with Mary Chapin Carpenter, Julie Fowlis and Karine Polwart)
SUNDERLAND, The Fire Station (An Evening with Mary Chapin Carpenter, Julie Fowlis and Karine Polwart)
EDINBURGH, Festival Theatre (An Evening with Mary Chapin Carpenter, Julie Fowlis and Karine Polwart)
NEW YORK, Carnegie Hall (Scotland’s Hoolie in New York)
SLOVENIA, Cankarjev Dom, Ljubljana
SHEFFIELD, Octagon Centre (Spell Songs)
GATESHEAD, The Glasshouse (Spell Songs)
EDINBURGH, Usher Hall (Spell Songs)
DEVON, Beautiful Days Festival
DEVON, Beautiful Days Festival (Spell Songs)
A Ghaoil, Leig Dhachaigh Gum Mhathair Mi
Vent Du Nord ‘Noce Tragique’
Julie guesting with the brilliant Québécois quartet ‘Le Vent du Nord’ in the Old Fruitmarket, Glasgow on 17 January 2015.
‘Gach sgeul’ Album Feature
Julie in the studio recording her latest album ‘Gach sgeul’ (Every Story), released in 2014.
Smeorach Chlann Domhnaill
Julie performing live in Cardiff, 2015.